13 Mart 2009 Cuma

Facebook | Barack Obama and Joe Biden: The Change We Need | AYDALGALAR: http://maydalga.blogspot.com

Facebook | Barack Obama and Joe Biden: The Change We Need | AYDALGALAR: http://maydalga.blogspot.com

1 yorum:

Maydalga dedi ki...

'This is a historic election -- and not just because Barack is at the top of the Democratic ticket. It's historic because of what's at stake for our shared future and our children's future.

This election is about the Latino families who are often the first ones hurt by an economic downturn and often the last ones helped by an economic upturn. It's about the Latino communities that have been devastated by the housing crisis. There are so many urgent problems that we must address in this election. That's why Barack is running for President. Because he believes that if we come together, and work together, we can build the world as it should be.

In the world as it should be, anyone willing to put in an honest day's work can make a good living and support their family--because we'll have an economy that works for all Americans--not just on Wall Street, but on Main Street, too.'
this last commend was added from pages of community-organizing for america by mehmet aydalka