Autism Foundation seedIn April of 2001 the foundation was laid. Dear Mine Narin occupational therapy training in 2000, Americahence the need for a close-in chance monitoring and TurkeyBy the time the friend returned to the Bogazici University and Aylin Sezgin has a child with autism while chatting about this therapy for children with developmental problems, one of the three basic education Occupational Therapy Educationthe ülkemizdhas not been applied to learning.
As is well known that children with autism and developmental problems in the education of special education, speech therapy and occupational therapy education are indispensable. Thereupon Mine Hanim and Aylin Ladies, this therapy, our country gained benefits to discuss the psychiatrist, pediatrician, family and child counseling center directors, special education specialists, speech therapists and autism in children with mothers with three weekends of the brain-storming sessions were. As a result of these meetings, the education of children with autism not only in occupational therapy, special education has also learned many important gaps. Relevant information had visited the University Hospital. Mine Hanim Israela school and the UKThe most important with autism The National Autistic Society Foundation for Children's Foundation by visiting their site and work has examined. In the world of autism after examining the various educational systems and related strategies in our country have formed what they can do. Mrs and Mrs Aylin enamel with the education of children with autism in our country believe they can make a difference, and a detailed report regarding the establishment of the Foundation have been prepared. Then, the enamel work and friendship with Mrs contact with people and their founders created the Foundation to present issues. So SEED Foundation for Autism April 15, 2003 the non-profit, public interest has been established as a health and education foundation.
There are a total of 26 founders of the foundation. Founders; Mine Narin, Pakize Based Oya, Nurullah Emre Narin, Aysen Ozyegin, Enka Construction, Golden Horde Zekariya Serhan, Şehriban Atasagun Nihan, Aytuğ Hasan Aydin, Mehmet Ali Babaoglu Munir, Omar Zekai Baloğlu, Tayfun Bashkir, Nazli Umit Boyner, Rasim, Esat Acquisition, Zeynep Cagla Garan , Erhan Güncan, Ali Kibar, Caroline Nicole Koc, Mehmet Ömer Koç, Farzad Kuchani, Fatos Quran, Ozden Narin, Yusuf Kenan Onat Dilek Sabanci, Aylin Sezgin, Mehmet Faruk Yasar Unal-based andis. Death or the health of our board of trustees Instead of three members who left because of our participating Sarika Rodrik, and Rana Banu Erkan İpeker the founders of our tool consists of Taba.
SEED Autism Foundationestablishment of two Preliminary work has been carried out annually as a result. This work was implemented rapidly. Most of the foundations in our country about autism, children with autism by parents to their children has been established to provide training. SEED Autism FoundationThe situation in is different. Founder of the only two among the children because of problems in the development, became the founder of this foundation. Other builders, employers and professionals are successful in their fields. In most of their foundations, and education about autism, although studies of the sensitivity and Turkeythis training Because of seeing much that is missing, such as the Mine Hanim and her family gave financial and moral support.
SEED Autism Foundationfoundation of the organization The aim of the children with autism and developmental problems and EARLY DIAGNOSIS TRAININGdir. Children learn through all their lives for the first five years until it could be more in the period are capable of learning. Have healthy children with developmental problems should, especially given the pre-school education, training and success rates in their later years that were directly related. Therefore, the diagnosis of autism diagnosed three years ago and the beginning of training, children are given a great chance to improve. We understand the healing, at least as a dependent individuals and communities can take part in training or integration into the normal training resumes.
Education of children with autism, many seeds are discarded, but unfortunately some will flourish. Children with autism five years ago a very heavy (approximately 40 hours per week) training is given, 40-50 percenttray to society. That these children, self-care skills, and individuals in the community at least as dependent yaşabiliyor and mainstreaming with other children can attend training and indistinguishable from normal peers. That's why the foundation's name SEED given.
Since the two educators in the two treatment rooms, a family counselor training that we started with two staff training while serving 20 children in 10 treatment rooms, now 26 trainers to provide services to children 59 to 13 staff are continuing. June 14 we plan to make the opening of school in September and we plan to raise additional building rehabilitation rehabilitation of our 24 schools 60 teachers and 39 students with 15 staff we aim to serve.
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